Truck Kiosk

Kahler’s KA-2025 kiosk simplifes the process of scaling trucks in & out for loading materials on a site. Drivers input all necessary information prior to loading, eliminating the need to exit the vehicle and enter the office. The results is less time spent at the scale and more efficient scaling in and out, ensuring both ease and security.




Ease of Use

  • Setup managed through webpage application

  • Verify non-NTEP loaded weights such as direct-loaded dry fertilizer or from liquid pulse meters

  • Quick ticket documentation

  • Gate and bay access

  • Easy unattended check-in for drivers

  • Direct traffic to correct location

  • NTEP legal-for-trade compliance

  • Digital signature capture available



Smooth Operation


Secure Unattended Access

Allow only the proper drivers into the facility with controlled access based on driver identification or order numbers for enhanced security.

Streamlined Operations

Enables convenient input from within the driver’s vehicle to simplify operations and allow office personnel to focus on key tasks.

Bay directions direct truck traffic to the correct loading area, reducing confusion and congestion.

Ticket Documentation

Secure electronic signature capture available, enhancing accountability (requires indoor installation of a signature pad).

Pick and receipt ticket printers provide essential documentation before material loading begins, and a receipt confirming the loaded material’s weight.

System Management

Customize your KA-2025 to fit your business needs. Configuration and setup are done using a webpage application for simplified and user-friendly interface.